Friday, May 6, 2016

The Last Place Winner! (lane management)

There is always something to LOOK forward to when you are growing up. We LOOK forward to the first day of elementary school. In middle school We LOOK forward to our first locker, guy's first little mustache hairs, and girl's first time wearing heels. Then comes high school! There is too much to
LOOK forward to in high school. The one thing I LOOKED forward to mostly was my driver's license. I couldn't wait to get it. I even remember the first time I drove my mom's car to church. We owned a giant coffee brown 1988 Lincoln Continental Signature Series. It was a boat! The entertaining part of my inaugural church drive was that entire time I never changed lanes. Not once. I only had one goal. Get to church without wrecking mom's car. One Lane! One Car! You wanna..(never mind) 

Either way, I was intense, you had to either drive around me or wait until I turned on a different street. 

There's a funny thing about lanes, they are easy to see but potentially difficult to stay between if you are not focused. 

As I have gotten older and purchased my own vehicles, I change lanes more often - sometimes without signaling. Don't judge me, I live in Houston where turn signals are allegedly optional. However, my lane changes in life are different. 

Consider the rewards of sticking to your lane/plan, trusting God to guide you, abandoning thoughtless change, and avoiding finish line anxiety.

Here are some bumpers to keep you in lane.

1. God told us through scripture that He will reward our focused diligence (Hebrews 11:6). According to what I have lived, God speaks truth only. Why doubt Him? God built the road - Trust that His directions will not only get you there but also give you what you need. As Peter explained David's psalm in Acts 2:28, the reward of gladness is available through following God's path even from a place of destruction and death. 

2. Let Jesus take the wheel.  In John 21:20-22 (NLT) it is written, "Peter turned around and saw behind them the disciple Jesus loved - the one who had leaned over to Jesus during the supper and asked, "Lord who will betray you?" Peter asked Jesus, "What about him, Lord?" Jesus Replied, 'If I want him to remain alive until I return, what is that to you? As for you, follow me.' " 

What a crazy amount of imagery! Jesus knew Judas would betray him. Jesus also knew that Peter would deny him. Yet, Jesus also knew that the detours in their life would lead them and us to greater understanding of following divinely personalized plans. Peter essentially tells Jesus, "What about Judas? Aren't you going to do anything to him?" Jesus' reply is cool as sweet tea in the summer, "I got this. Just keep up with me!" 

In our efforts to please God and achieve personal success we can't keep peeping in on other people's plans. If they get what you want before you, God bless them. It's not up to you to judge other's accomplishments or punishments. You don't fully know their issues or their effort. What you do know is that God's divine purpose for YOU will prevail when YOU completely trust His plan! (Proverbs 3:5-6). 

LOOK for YOUR finish line not THEIR'S!

(Kirby Lee-USA TODAY Sports via Reuters)
Finally, there is a story of a beautiful centenarian who felt great heartache and nevertheless found great hope. After the devastating distraction of her two son's being killed and her husband passing, she discovered running as a way to keep running. Recently at the Penn Relays, Mrs. Ida Keeling participated in a 100-meter race against other seniors. The gun fired, they all took off at top speed, but Ida did not finish first. In fact, she was the last one to cross the finish line. One minute and 17.33 seconds. Although people were excited this 5 foot 3 inch older lady competed and completed the race, I was more excited by one specific race stat. Mrs. Ida, the last place finisher, is the world record holder in her age group for that distance. She possess the premier position on the podium. 

YOU will cross YOUR finish line in His time and it will be a first place prize for YOUR record books!

Let God lead you in your life lane, stay focused, finish strong!

This lane is my lane - this lane's not your lane - this lane was made for me not you. (Texas humor)
