Monday, May 18, 2020




Dylan, my middle child, came bounding into the living room full of joy and excitement. By the time he got to me, he was about to explode. Dylan desperately tugged at my shirt, wanting my attention. It was as if he was holding the juiciest information ever and would pop if he didn’t release it. I shifted my full focus to him and asked, “What’s going on?” Dylan blurted out, “There’s a man in our tree.” Wait. What? I was confused. Dylan, seeing my confusion explained, “He’s making it beautiful, come see!”

Our lawn man had climbed high into our tree and was pruning the inside of our tree. You could only see him if you looked deep inside.

I believe that beauty naturally exists, but time develops our full understanding of it. The beautification process involves some ugly moments that later build into something attractive. God makes everything beautiful in time (Isaiah 60:22). Our personhood requires some internal and external effort.

“You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother’s womb. Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex!” (Psalm 139:13-14)
Your external beauty is a result of the hard work that has and is currently taking place internally. You are beautifully intricate. Are you aware that the various actions of a timepiece or watch are called complications? Expensive watches often have several complications. You are valuably complex. The way you smile, twirl your pencil, sleep at night, organize your closet, and all your quirks are awesomely you!

In the quiet, dark womb of your mother, God put attention to the intricate details of who you are. Yet, even in there, He went into the hidden areas of your heart and carved His initials of ownership. Before you saw daylight, He saw fit to claim you and declare your beauty.

We must regularly allow God to work on our hearts. Our heart is a large muscle that demands attention. Daily maintenance is necessary. Seek God about your heart’s desires by praying about your decisions. Show God when your heart is broken by applying God’s Word. Save space for Him to reside by opening it to His will permanently.

God prunes us like the tree in my yard, and it can leave us feeling exposed.

Yet, it isn’t until the negative critiques of others becomes louder than the internal dialogue between our heavenly Father and us that we are bothered by our nakedness.

I was watching a movie the other day, and the lead character said, “Don’t believe those who only know a little bit – believe those who know a lot about you!”

God knows everything, and the people who know you – know you. Yes, it hurts to hear people say negative things about us, and it makes us want to disappear from plain view. 

However, God sees us hiding, and like any creator who loves their creation, He is concerned when we are camouflaged.

In Genesis 3:11, God told Adam, “Who told you that you were naked?” We often give “they” too much credit. The truth is,” They” is usually one person getting more recognition than they deserve.

But wait, there’s more. You can have a good heart and a horrible disposition. Be the full package. Only half won’t do; it is insufficient to look good and have a hard heart. It is equally harmful to have a good heart and not work on how you present yourself. 

My lawn man not only trimmed the branches under the foliage of our tree but also shaped the tree by cutting the outside branches and leaves that were visible.

 “You blind Pharisee! First clean the inside of the cup and the plate, that the outside also may be clean.” (Matthew 23:26)

“Don’t be selfish; don’t try to impress others. Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourselves.” (Philippians 2:3) 

I read a story about people virtually applying for jobs during the COVID19 pandemic. Because the applicants couldn’t interview in person, the interviews took place through a digital platform. Would you believe that some of the applicants did the interview practically wearing their pajamas?! Despite the excellence  of their resume, their presentation was sub par.

With enough masks and makeup, we can hide who we are, but eventually the real you will be seen. The total package is someone who is working on their heart while simultaneously adjusting how they present themselves. Pure perfection will come when we see Jesus face to face. Until then, we are a work in process. We can always be a little better. Like the freeways of a major city, keep working on you. My tree looks excellent now, but I know I will have to call the lawn man again to maintain my ever-growing tree. 

Be Beautiful. Inside and Out.

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