Wednesday, September 18, 2013

You Gotta Keep Your Head Up!

When I was younger, I really enjoyed early Saturday morning television shows. One of my favorites was The Adventures of Superman. The show opened with the announcer saying, “Look! It’s a bird. It’s a plane. No, it’s Superman!”

No one  looked for superman to come in on foot, in a car, or on his or her ground level. When people wanted the help of Superman, they had to look up!

The other day, I was working out with a great friend of mine. It was a very difficult workout that physically took our breath away. My workout partner finished strong but felt weak. He was bent over attempting to take deep breaths. Before long, he stood up and said, “When I played football in High School, after a difficult workout my coach would tell us to pick our heads up and lift our hands in order to breathe.” He continued to say, “You can’t breathe while bent over and looking down, there’s no air down there.

Many of us are seeking some sort of provision from God. However, in our efforts to receive provision, we have become exhausted and are hanging our heads. Keep reading - your provisional relief is coming. Understand that provision is not limited to finances. God provides peace, comfort, love, attention, relief, and more.

Genesis 24:63-67
63 And Isaac went out to meditate and bow down [in prayer] in the open country in the evening; and he looked up and saw that, behold, the camels were coming.
64 And Rebekah looked up, and when she saw Isaac, she dismounted from the camel.
65 For she [had] said to the servant, Who is that man walking across the field to meet us? And the servant [had] said, He is my master. So she took a veil and concealed herself with it.
66 And the servant told Isaac everything that he had done.
67 And Isaac brought her into his mother Sarah’s tent, and he took Rebekah and she became his wife, and he loved her; thus Isaac was comforted after his mother’s death.

Isaac, the son of Abraham was by himself in an open place praying fervently. It wasn’t that Isaac was without resources (his family was rich) however his life was about to experience an area of lack. I can imagine Isaac kneeling down and praying to God, closing his prayer, then looking up. In the distance he saw the camels.

Camels carried provision. Camels carried resources. Camels carried what was needed to survive in a dry and deserted area.

Rebekah is on one of the camels. Isaac doesn’t know that he will need Rebekah, but his earthly father (Abraham) knew what God promised him and Isaac’s heavenly father (God) knew what the future held for Isaac.

Rebekah, away from her family and probably worn by the journey, is looking down as well. But, at the right and divine time, she looks up and at her provision.

Isaac needs Rebekah and Rebekah needs Isaac – God’s provision was presented to  both of them in this Camel moment.

After they meet, Isaac introduces Rebekah to his mother, Sarah and he marries Rebkah. When Sarah dies, Rebekah is the comfort he needs!

Here is the point. In our moments of desperation we tend to look down. Some look down and take a moment to pray. Others look down as if they are too worn to continue. I am challenging you to readjust your focus. LOOK UP! Your provision is on the horizon. Don’t give in – the further you push a spring down – the higher it jumps! If you continue to stay down, you are obstructing your ability to live. You can’t breath if you constrict the breathing process. You have to open up to fully receive what you need. The provision you need is not just for today it is for your future as well. Get to your place, away from the madness, and pray. God is ready to provide what you knowingly and unknowingly need.

Your CAMELS are coming! Look Up! 

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