Wednesday, November 13, 2013

How Much for 1 Rib????

Where will you spend?

Matthew 6:21 (NLT)
21 Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be.

It is incredibly intriguing that the familiar phrase, “Time is Money” was coined by the man on the face of a one hundred dollar bill. Benjamin Franklin was not only a celebrated inventor but also a person who understood the value of time.

Recently I read that many stores are opening the evening of Thanksgiving for the early Christmas/post Thanksgiving sales. Although I applaud their efforts at reducing the rush and having concern for crazy crowds, a part of me feels that the purpose behind Thanksgiving is being pushed to the side.

Thanksgiving day is more than belt busting delicacies that destroy diets. It is a time of togetherness that provides people pause to examine their lives and profess their appreciations.

The bible teaches us that physical possessions are not bad but should not be our greatest focus of value.  Where will you spend your time and your money this Thanksgiving?

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