Wednesday, June 18, 2014

A Despised Hero...

A Despised Hero...

Luke 10:33 (NLT)

“Then a despised Samaritan came along, and when he saw the man, he felt compassion for him."

Today, I read about Bryant Collins, an unexpected hero. Mr. Collins was traveling down the highway when he noticed a small figure in the distance. As he got closer, he realized that it was a 15-month old infant. The little girl had crawled 300 yards from her home, through a heavily wooded area, fell down an embankment, and was about to cross a busy highway. He swiftly stopped his vehicle, jumped out, and ran to her rescue. The article continued to say that the little girl had a few scrapes and was crying. Mr. Collins grabbed her, held her close, and soothed her with gospel music from his phone. I am confident that the blend of her arduous journey mixed with fear created an overwhelming rush of emotion. Mr. Collins stayed with the little girl over two hours just to be certain she was ok. 

Great story, the clincher is that Mr. Collins once traveled far from home and needed saving. Five years prior, Mr. Collins finished serving TEN years in a federal institution for manufacturing cocaine. It was in prison that his life changed forever.

Here are my thoughts. When we consider the story of the good Samaritan, we often recognize his benevolence and rarely mention his identity or past. Samaritans were not "neighbors" to the Jews and subsequently there was no love being passed between them. However, at the sight of someone in need, the Samaritan rejected his unfavorable identity to reach out and help. He not only stopped but stayed to take care of someone who possibly reminded him of himself. The parable doesn't give the circumstances of the Samaritan before he met the man. But, I believe that something in him was ignited when he saw someone being despised just as he was titled. 

Mr. Collins' past is not only a reminder that everyone needs help but also that anyone can help.

I challenge you to consider those in need. Remember the time you were helpless and someone came to your rescue. You didn't ask them about their past before they helped you. All you did was accept the help. All of us are qualified to help - will you reach out and return the favor someone once extended to you?

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