Thursday, August 2, 2012

The Clowns are Coming!

1 John 4:4 You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.

Isaiah 41:10Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.’

The circus is one of the most exciting live shows that anyone can witness. Elephants and horses dancing, Big cats roaring and jumping across obstacles, trapeze artists, vibrant lights, whimsical music, and of course - the clowns!

Whether they are squirting water out of a flower on their lapel or reminding us to laugh at life’s uncomfortable moments, a clown’s basic purpose is to entertain.

I find it intriguing that people find fear in some of the same things that were created to bring joy - such as open spaces, chewy food, and even clowns!

When the circus recently came to Houston, I was hesitant to take my ten-month-old son. I assumed that the loud sounds, pungent smells, and of course the clowns were going to be too much for him to manage.

My family arrived to the circus early because we were told that there was a children’s pre-show on the floor of the arena.  There were costumes to dress in, animals doing tricks, crafts, and of course – the clowns! Expecting the most, I tightly held my son with my right arm as my wife and I cautiously walked to the crowded arena floor.

A clown caught our eye and started making his way toward us. Then - it happened! Instead of screaming or clawing up my shirt like a spooked cat, my son threw his arm on the clown’s shoulder and posed as if to say, “Sure! You can take a picture with me”. My son somehow became the fearless celebrity in the picture and was prepared for anything! Fear is a learned emotion. He embraced the clown but never left the strong arms of his father.

“Great”, by definition is better than average or above normal. The Bible teaches us that true greatness resides within those who are connected to Christ. We also learn from the Bible that although frightful circumstances will take place, our confidence and comfort are in Christ. So, the next time you are out, have a celebrity take a picture with you – the great one! And when you incur a frightening situation, rest in Christ – the one who has been holding you tight the entire time (even when the clowns were prepared to scare and intimidate you)!

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